VHF Communications Magazine
VHF Communications was a quarterly magazine published between 1969 and 2013 especially for radio amateurs and professional RF engineers. It covered the VHF, UHF and Microwave bands. The magazine started as the English version of the German magazine UKW Berichte. Over the 45 years of publication it covered many topics from valve equipment through transistorised equipment to RF Integrated Circuits. The designs were published with full circuit diagrams and printed circuit layouts. Many theoretical topics were covered such as; antenna design, oscillator design, transmission theory and the practical use of modern RF modelling and design software.
All the magazines are available as back issues or on DVD/CD and a full magazine index is available to download to locate any articles of interest. Some sample articles can be downloaded as pdf files.
Update October 2014
Kirk Bailey, N7CCB has enhanced the pdf files for the complete magazine DVD. He has taken the original PDF files and used an advanced OCR process and converted them to PDF/A format. There are two additional folders on the 2014 edition of the complete DVD that contain:
Update December 2015
Kirk has been busy again with a new whizy OCR tool and lots of time he has re-
Anyone who has purchased the Complete DVD can contact me and I will supply them with the 2015 version for a small charge (£2.50) plus postage.
Update January 2017
Gunthard Kraus, DG8GB, was a prolific contributor to VHF Communications Magazine, there were many detailed design articles, often using the latest CAD software, plus the regular “Internet Treasure Trove”.
He sent me a Christmas message and with it an update on the articles that he has been writing since I last published one of his articles in VHF Communications Magazine issue 4/2013. He has a web site -
Update February 2021
I have been keeping all the back issues that I had built up while I was publishing the magazine but there is hardly any demand for them now so I am reducing the stock to just a few copies. I will be able to supply any orders for magazines until this small stock is exhausted.
While I was publishing the magazine I built a library of scanned and digital images of all the magazines every produced. I have been supplying this library as pdf documents on DVD for some time. I have noticed that a number of people who purchase these pdf copies have uploaded them to their web site, so if you search The Internet you will be able to find a copy of any VHF Communications Magazine every printed.
Site last updated: 7th February 2021